Membership Info

“Standing in a garage does not make you a car, and being a member of a local church does not make you a Christian.”

However, we believe membership with a local body of believers is clearly instructed in the Scriptures. There are benefits that come with being a member. Membership also comes with expectations and this includes the regular attendance and fellowship with fellow believers.

The information below is from our Constitution regarding the requirements for church membership.


A.     General

Members shall have professed faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, be at least 18 years of age (to vote), and been Scripturally baptized by immersion. The Lord adds to His church those who desire to serve Him, (1 Cor. 12:14-31; Eph. 4:11-12) and the following practice is for those led of the Lord to join in fellowship with us:

         1.      The applicant(s) will share their testimony to the elders, and be in agreement with the Constitution.

         2.      If the applicant has a testimony of salvation and been Scripturally baptized, they will be presented to the congregation at a regular service. The Articles of Commitment will be read and agreed to by the new members and the congregation and welcomed into membership.

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