Service Times for 2025


Prayer: 9:15 am – Sunday morning time of prayer to prepare hearts.

Bible Class: 9:45-10:30am for all ages and our families learn the Scriptures together. In the Bible class, one of our elders, Jean-Paul Escalera, teaches a series “The Life of the Apostles” on the 2nd and 4th Sunday morning Bible class.

On the 1st & 3rd Sunday mornings of each month in the Bible Class, we are in a study “Life in the Father’s House.” This book was written by Wayne Mack, who was a professor at The Master’s Seminary. Books are provided and this will be a practical understanding of what the church is and how we, as true believers, should care and be involved in the Bride of Christ.

Morning Worship: 11:00 am. Our worship includes prayer, Bible reading, theologically sound music, and the ministry of the Word. As of January 2025, we will conclude a short series on “The Heart of a Servant” which is a study on the role of deacons in the local church. Lord willing, our exposition of The Sermon on the Mount, from Matthew 5-7 will continue in Chapter 6.

The Lord’s Table/Communion: Communion focuses on an aspect of the death, burial, resurrection, and return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Obeying Christ’s command, we partake together until He returns. The Biblical criteria to partake is: 1) True believers only; 2) Must be striving to follow the Lord in obedience to His commands; 3) For those who are right with the Lord and with fellow believers. (Times are announced)


Ladies’ Discipleship: 6:30-8:00 pm – Mondays in Church Fellowship Hall. The study is entitled, “Search The Word.” The class is available on Zoom for those ladies not able to join in person. The QR link below will take you to Zoom.

Men’s Discipleship: 6:30-8:00 pm – Thursdays in Church Fellowship Hall. Study – “Philippians: Christ the Source of Joy and Strength.” This study guide by John MacArthur looks at the Book of Philippians. From the description: “Circumstances… They are not all they’re cracked up to be. For instance, Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians from a Roman prison cell, yet despite those dire circumstances, his major theme in the letter was joy.” The class is available on Zoom for those not able to join in person. The QR link below will take you to Zoom.

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